José Anderson

José Anderson
  • Adjunct Professor

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    652 Jon M. Huntsman Hall
    3730 Walnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104



Prior to coming to Wharton he engaged in the private practice of law in Baltimore and served for nine years in the Maryland Public Defender’s Office where he was an assistant public defender and supervising attorney in the Appellate Division. From 1991 to 1993 he served as special assistant public defender, responsible for a number of statewide litigation and legislative matters, and was counsel to the agency. During his tenure at the Public Defender’s Office, he represented clients in major felony and death penalty litigation in the state trial and appellate courts and in the U.S. Supreme Court. He has practiced law at every level of the United States Justice system. He is author of many articles and a textbook on Criminal Law. He is also a Professor of Law at the University of Baltimore School of Law.

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Current Courses (Spring 2025)

  • LGST1010 - Law And Social Values

    This course presents law as an evolving social institution, with special emphasis on the legal regulation of business in the context of social values. It considers basic concepts of law and legal process, in the U.S. and other legal systems, and introduces the fundamentals of rigorous legal analysis. An in-depth examination of contract law is included.

    LGST1010005 ( Syllabus )

All Courses

  • AFRC2180 - Diversity & the Law

    The goal of this course is to study the role the law has played, and continues to play, in addressing the problems of racial discrimination in the United States. Contemporary issues such as racial profiling, affirmative action, and diversity will all be covered in their social and legal context. The basis for discussion will be assigned texts, articles, editorials and cases. In addition, interactive videos will also be used to aid class discussion. Course requirements will include a term paper and class case presentations.

  • LGST1010 - Law and Social Values

    This course presents law as an evolving social institution, with special emphasis on the legal regulation of business in the context of social values. It considers basic concepts of law and legal process, in the U.S. and other legal systems, and introduces the fundamentals of rigorous legal analysis. An in-depth examination of contract law is included.

  • LGST2180 - Diversity & the Law

    The goal of this course is to study the role the law has played, and continues to play, in addressing the problems of racial discrimination in the United States. Contemporary issues such as racial profiling, affirmative action, and diversity will all be covered in their social and legal context. The basis for discussion will be assigned texts, articles, editorials and cases. In addition, interactive videos will also be used to aid class discussion. Course requirements will include a term paper and class case presentations.

  • PPE3999 - Independent Study

    Student arranges with a faculty member to pursue a research project on a suitable topic. For more information about research and setting up independent studies, visit:

Knowledge at Wharton

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How Ambiguity Aversion Affects Investment Choices

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